Andrius Aleksandravičius
is an excellent photographer. He live in Kaunas, Lithuania. For 4 years he have been
working as a press
photographer. He discovered
photography when he was finishing high school.
He wanted
to be a photographer after high
school. He bought a Cheap camera in 2005. He has been sharing picture on social network

He created a video of his journey
around the world.
The idea was to travel around Spain
while capturing the most spectacular

Rich McCor
Rich McCor
is 28 year old. Rich is a excellent photography. He
uses cut up pictures
he drawled and place it in front of cameras. All
of his pictures have a cut up picture in front of places that connects or match
and pictures that is related to the place.

All of his picture relate, connects and its relevance to the
background and place. Most of his
picture is base on the great Britain. He went to Holland, London mostly, Covent
Hill, south bank, Stockholm and lots more places. He’s the first person who
came out with this idea.
My favourite picture that he has
take has to be the Big ban because I like the idea of this picture. the idea of
using Big ben clock as the watch.
He has 128k followers in Instagram
so he’s quite famous and
Bryan Carey
You must be wondering who is Brian
Carey. Well there is very little information about him. He doesn’t like to post
personal information like when he is born and how old he is. The only personal
information that he could share with the world is that his name is Brian Carey.
He has lots of different of pictures of places. He doesn’t take only pictures
of places, he takes picture of people. All of his picture have bright colours
that makes his pictures standout. The idea that fascinate me was the
filter picture because it is a very different ideas to all of his picture. All
of his pictures is just taken normally and edited well.
He travel to lots of
public place and nature places. Love to take picture of nature scenery and lots
of other landmarks. He has some picture of wedding and people. He has a project
base on people, weddings and beach site. For my ideas, I chose the filter idea
because I know that it will get me a good grade and it's easy to create.
Also the
idea is very creative and it's a amazing and different idea. Brian Carey does this for living. basically
this is his business and job. He sells pictures to other people and you can
hire him to take pictures for you. He is famous in Instagram and other social
network. This is the only picture that I am going to use it idea and try to use
it in a city or towns instead of beaches because if i
did use this skill on the beach it will be copying.
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